January Awareness Days 2022

awareness days content social media Dec 17, 2021
Hello January written above a winter scene with a snowman

Christmas isn't even over and it's time to start planning content for January 2022!  Well help is at hand with my January awareness days to get those creative juices flowing 🌟

In January there is obviously the focus on health and wellbeing. Create some posts related to personal development and improvement, linking in with Mentoring Month, Veganuary or Dry January. I have scheduled a post for a hotel I work with encouraging people to catch up on sleep after the party season, going out on Festival of Sleep Day (3rd).

January is a big month for planning for the year ahead, so if you don't have it already, download my day-by-day content planner for 2022 complete with awareness days and seasonal hashtags. A must-have tool for planning you social media and other online content⬇️


Download Content Planner Here


Scan through my list of January awareness days 2022 and add relevant ones to your content calendar📆


W/C 1st January

W/C 10th January

W/C 17th January

W/C 24th January

I hope these come in useful and 
let me know of any days I have missed.

2. Work 121 with me using my Power Hours, Audit or VIP Intensive services

3. Read my recent blogs and start improving your online presence today!
Wishing you a happy, healthy and productive 2022 - Kerry👩🏻‍💻

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