September Awareness Days 2022
Sep 02, 2022
Pencil cases at the ready! It’s back to school for many households. Workplaces also up the pace in September, with the final push until the end of the year. To help you get your head back in the game when it comes to your social media content, check out the awareness days coming up in September.
Casting your eye over awareness days is a good place to start to get some ideas for new content. Think seasonal content, like rounding up your summer or how you can help your followers with the summer to autumn transition.
In September there are plenty of health awareness days. If any of these are relevant to you, share your story or raise the profile about causes that are important to you. Content strategy is all about being organised and planning ahead. Now is a good time to start thinking about Halloween and Christmas content as they will both be here before you know it!
5 Awareness Day themed content ideas for September
Here's some inspiration to help you get going with your September content planning:
- Get engagement going and ask your followers the best thing about schools being back with the Instagram stories "Question" sticker. Or create a background colour graphic on Facebook asking the same question.
- Another good Instagram stories sticker to use is the new "Add Yours" Sticker. Start one which says "Favourite photo from summer '22" or anything else relevant to your business. A great way to stimulate user generated content.
- Wish people luck doing The Great North Run (11th) and share exercise tips on National Fitness Day (21st)
- Have a flash sale on the 16th to mark 100 Days To Christmas
- Plant the seed for people's next holiday location on World Tourism Day (27th)
W/C 1st September
W/C 5th September
W/C 12th September
W/C 19th September
W/C 26th September
I hope these come in useful and let me know of any days I have missed.
Awareness Days For Previous Months
Happy content planning! - Kerry๐ฉ๐ป๐ป
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